The Perfect Pair Bundle

The Perfect Pair Bundle

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Description Reviews

We all have different ways of connecting. We all think differently, connect differently, and have different ways of talking about our business opportunity!

Well, with The Perfect Pair Bundle featuring The Four Year Career® and The Four Year Career® for Women, you get the best of both worlds: a personal/journaling-type book for the creative dreamers and a “just the facts” book for the analytical minds.


  • YOU. Are you solid in your belief and understanding of the Network Marketing opportunity? If you have any doubts, this is the book for you.
  • Prospects. The people you are introducing to your Network Marketing opportunity need this. The credibility this piece delivers to your presentation is key to unlocking their YES.
  • Not Right Now-ers. For the people who said no or not right now, this is a compelling piece to follow up with them 6 months down the line as a second look. It may be what they need to tip the scale.

What's New in The Four Year Career®?

Totally rewritten from front to back, the NEW Four Year Career® has a better flow, compelling new facts, and even more Aha analogies to help people get the “why” and “how” of Network Marketing.

The Four Year Career®

A “just the facts” book for analytical minds

3 Reasons Why You’ll Love This Book:

  • #1. It Creates a Different Kind of Prospect
    When a prospect reads The Four Year Career® … even just scans it … they will listen to a presentation with a level of respect and openness rarely experienced without the book.
  • #2. It Makes Prospecting Easier
    Asking prospects to read a “1-hour book” is easier than asking them to listen to a presentation. People know a video is a sales pitch and they listen with that bias. People hold books as truth and education, and they read them with a neutral bias. Knowing that, it shifts your state of being when talking to a prospect ... you are more confident and powerful. Sell the read vs. your program, and dramatically increase your enrollments.
  • #3. It Helps You Recruit “Recruiters” Onto Your Team
    Recruiting “recruiters” is where exponential growth comes from. If you make the book a part of your culture by having prospects and new distributors onboard with it, you up the number of leaders you attract who also see themselves as recruiters.


Hear from the Leaders Inside the New Book

These are leaders who may be much like you. Before Network Marketing, some were already successful in their careers but had no time-freedom. Some were struggling with low self-esteem. Some were even facing financial rock-bottom.

Yet they all opened their hearts and minds to Network Marketing and decided that yes, the work is worth it! Follow their clues and get laser-like direction to fuel YOUR success.

Meet the Leaders Inside The Four Year Career®

Robin Packard

For many years, this single mom dreamed of giving her kids a better life. By overcoming her doubts about the profession – and fear of what others would think – Robin started building her business with intention, and today is Xyngular’s highest-ranked distributor!

Wendy Bakke

With no college degree and no previous Network Marketing experience, Wendy’s desire to turn their lives around organically grew into a team of over 10,000 members, creating an abundance of friendships, amazing experiences and a real sense of fulfillment.

Tom Chenault

When he was drinking, Tom was his own worst enemy. Big ego, low self-worth! He burned so many bridges that when he got sober, he became a Network Marketer literally because he had no other options! Today, Tom lives an incredible life filled with love … for others AND himself.

JJ Birden

For anyone who thinks they CAN’T, follow the advice of this former NFL pro: “Success in this business is an endurance race – it won’t happen overnight. But if you keep it simple, stick to the basics, and be consistent, success IS inevitable.”

Tony & Sarah Zolecki

Tony and Sarah have literally grown up in Network Marketing: 23 years of amazing life lessons! Now building together while raising their two kids, they have more than 60,000 distributors on their team and over 864,000 customers. And this is just the beginning!

Tara Wilson

Even though Tara had a 6-figure career, she was frustrated at missing out on life’s little (and big) moments with her kids. She decided that enough was enough! So she changed her family’s life with ONE simple decision … and she believes you can, too.

Luciano Fidalgo

Even though Luciano was terrified of selling products and speaking to people, he signed up anyway and let his mentor show him the way! Luciano has since built an organization of 100,000+ in more than 20 countries and loves helping change people’s lives.

Ian Farrar

Ian used to constantly worry about how to train full time as a cyclist AND pay his bills. Everything changed when an Olympic champion introduced him to Network Marketing. With a “winners never quit and quitters never win” mentality, Ian went full speed ahead and today has total time freedom.

Doug & Charlene Fike

The Fikes started their business in college to fund their global leadership commitments, empowering communities from Survival to Significance. They “world-schooled” their kids, and after a 16-year hiatus, returned as active Network Marketers at Shaklee’s highest rank.​

Michael DiMuccio

The power of “All Out Massive Action” during his first 90 days helped Michael become Canada’s first top-ranked consultant and earned him the honor of Consultant of the Year. Michael says the best award of all is living an extraordinary life.

The Four Year Career® for Women

Sugar, spice and everything nice

Great for making emotional connections! Written by Kimmy Brooke, this fun, heartfelt book will take women on a journey of self-discovery and lead them to answer one life-changing question: Is Network Marketing for me?

  • Quick, fun read allows women to answer questions and explore their lives in a personal, journaling type way.
  • Helps women understand how Network Marketing works ... and why they were born to excel at it!
  • Highlights the sisterhood and bond of women in the profession.
  • Features 8 inspiring success stories of women who have rocked Network Marketing ... includes tips on how you can too.


April Pointer

“We want to make a HUGE difference in the world by leaving a legacy of goodness. My husband and I now give to 26 organizations. This brings us so much JOY!”

Donna Weiser Hennes

“Put on your blinders, stay focused, stop looking to others for validation, and wake up each day knowing you made the perfect choice.”

Dana McGrady

“Be the light for everyone around you and lead by example.”

Phebe Trotman

“By consistently doing that little ‘extra,’ you will create tremendous success.”

Sue Brenchley

“All women have a gift to give the world and it has to start with your circle (your family and friends).”

Eden Slobin

“In an age of earning inequality, there’s no other profession that offers a level playing field for women like Network Marketing.”

Jenifer Furness

“We support World Vision & Compassion International, and we are key sponsors to local charities and missions for children and families in need.”

Jeanie Fountain

“So many kids go to school in our own back yards without socks and underwear! Unacceptable—we will make a difference.”

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Candi McCreary
Good book but not what I needed at this time

I think the book would be great if you were trying to encourage someone to see if Network Marketing is for you but I had already decided that I was going to do that so it didn’t really help me. I was looking for something that helped me understand Network Marketing better...not like a class or guide (I would expect to pay for those) but just in general. Having said that, if you had someone who was interested but wasn’t sure, this book would be a great tool to give to them!

The Four Year Career® & The Four Year Career® for Women are my favorite go tos!

I have read them more than once myself, and I make sure my new brand partners, as well as happy customers, have a copy. One of our up and coming leaders recently told me that it was after reading The Four Year Career® that she really understood what the Network Marketing profession could do for her life. It truly was the catalyst that moved her from her being a product consumer to becoming a promoter. This is the book that has created so many lightbulb moments for myself and my team. It will always be included on my recommended essential reading list!

What People Are Saying

“To win in this business, you have to think big and have a passion to change lives. This is who Kimmy is daily. Her book will awaken your potential and change your future.”


“Jam-packed with compelling facts and stories, The Four Year Career is a no BS, tell-it-like-it-is powerhouse of a book. Read this, and you'll be more confident than ever in the future of your Network Marketing business. Share this with the skeptics in your life, and they'll FINALLY appreciate why you've chosen this profession (and more will be joining you too).”

SONIA STRINGER The Women's Business Coach, Author of "The Ultimate Guide For Women In Network Marketing"

“This book will help you define success on your own terms and achieve your entrepreneurial dreams.”


“Effective, powerful, insightful, authentic, honest, compelling, convincing, motivating are just a few of the adjectives that describe Richard Brooke's book The Four Year Career. His book is a 'gift' with a message of hope, belief, and inspiration, that encourages and elevates others beyond what they ever though possible.”


“You definitely want to devour this book ASAP. Kimmy knows how to make things happen in a major way when it comes to building a team. I meet a lot of people in my line of work as a Network Marketing trainer. Kimmy simply knows how to get it done. Read this now.”


“Residual income is the most exciting aspect in wealth creation. This book teaches you how to build, sustain and enjoy your Network Marketing Money - Making Machine!”

LISA JIMENEZ International Speaker, Best-selling Author & Success Coach